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News from Gjøco

Here you will find the latest news from Gjøco, and tips and tricks we have about painting and how it is done.

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What is color?

All colors are an interplay between light, our eyes and dye. It is thanks to light that we can see colors, and it is the absorption and reflection of light on what we see that determines which colors our eyes catch. The light we see from the sun is perceived as white, but it contains all the colors of the rainbow.

The symbolism of colors

The vast majority of us have a relationship with colors. These are colors we like better than others, and colors we prefer to avoid. This often changes throughout life - and we let ourselves be influenced by what fashion tells us about color choices.

News! Paint with silky matt gloss

Matte colors have long been an interior favorite. With the new Manor Paintmaster, you can get a modern, subdued look on the house wall as well.

Paint or stain the house this summer? Here is the expert guide

Begynner husveggene å se matte ut, malingen flasser av – eller ønsker du bare en forandring? Skyfrie sommerdager er skapt for maling, og med disse rådene er du sikret et perfekt sluttresultat.

Lime paint – effect paint that gives a concrete-like surface

Gjøco Lime Paint is a mineral lime paint for interior use in dry rooms. Provides a vibrant and concrete-like surface. Used on building boards, plaster, concrete and plastered surfaces.

Super matt Room gives warmth to the room

Use our Supermatt room and get a whole new color experience on your interior.